作田誠教授 退官パーティー


Congratulations on your retirement.㎝
Thank you very much for your guidance for a long time.
I just want to tell you, it is really reminiscent of being retired.
Please be aware of your health and stay well.

Colloquium on CMB


Prof. M. Bucher of Paris 7 is visiting us as a JSPS invited fellow. He explained to us the history and future prospects of CMB observations in a colloquium.


LiteBIRD Seminar

東京大学 Kavli-IPMUの片山伸彦教授による談話会がありました。科学衛星 LiteBIRD でどのように原始重力波を測定するのか教えていただきました。

Prof. N. Katayama of Kavli-IPMU, The Univ.of Tokyo, gave a seminar on how to observe primordial gravitational waves by the LiteBIRD scientific satellite mission.



K. Komatsu, a PhD student, gave a poster presentation at SPIE conference in Austin, Texas. He received many questions on his research in LiteBIRD from people in related fields.

New Academic Year!


Annual Hanami at Handayama botanical garden.



Ms. Koeda who was with us for the past two years is moving on to another job. It is with much gratitude that we say good-bye.

Astro-H Seminar

JAXA/ISASの辻本匡弘氏による、「ひとみ衛星搭載X線マイクロカロリメータ検出器の開発とかに超新星残骸の観測結果」と題したセミナーがありました。ひとみ衛星は残念な結果になってしまいましたが、SXS検出器(Soft X-ray Spectrometer)は要求以上の性能を示していたこと、またSXSによるデータを用いたかに超新星残骸の観測結果についても詳しく教えていただきました。

Dr. M. Tsujimoto of JAXA/ISAS gave a seminar on Astro-H, focusing on the Soft X-ray Spectrometer (SXS) and the analysis of SN1054 (Crab Nebula) remnant using its data. Thank you for the very interesting seminar.

Okayama Marathon


Naoto Hidehira, a master student in Ishino-Lab, participated in the Okayama marathon last weekend. He broke his own record with 2:46:57, an excellent time! He will continue his challenges, so we will be rooting for him even after his graduation.

Wine & Beer Party


We had a party to honor Ou-san and Pretam-san for finishing their final exams and also to give a farewell to William who is retiring to France. There were some delicious dishes including cheese made in Okayama.


作田・石野・小汐研の合同花見会-welcome partyを行いました。美味しいカレーは恒例になりつつあります。珍しいお米とミルクのデザートもいただきました。

Joint hanami-welcome party with Sakuda, Ishino and Koshio labs. We once again enjoyed the wonderful curry dishes, and this time with rice and milk dessert.  

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