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High pressure properties of FeAs superconductors

The discovery of the iron oxypnictides [1], a new class of high Tc superconductors besides the cuprates, has generated great interest in the condensed matter community. The new class of materials has similarities to the cuprates like two-dimensionality and proximity of high temperature superconductivity with magnetic order, but also differences; the undoped or unpressurized compounds are bad metals with spin-density wave order and not Mott insulators like the cuprates [2]. The mechanism of the high temperature superconductivity in the FeAs materials has not been conclusively determined; while electron phonon coupling seems to be too small to account for the high transition temperatures [3], the spin-lattice coupling seems to be significant [4] so that lattice degrees of freedom may indirectly play a significant role. It has been found experimentally [5,6,7] that the 122 materials CaFe2As2, SrFe2As2 and BaFe2As2 each show dome shaped superconducting transition temperatures as a function of pressure, with different pressures marking the onset of superconductivity in each compound. While a lot of theoretical work has been done on the electronic properties of the FeAs materials, the electron-lattice coupling and structural properties under pressure require careful theoretical investigation.

a) Comparison between structural distortions under pressure and upon doping

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An interesting question in the study of iron pnictide superconductors concerns the relative importance of Fermi surface topology and carrier doping for the superconducting transition temperature. As the parent compounds of the iron arsenide superconductors are already metallic, it is not obvious how important the addition of carriers, for example by replacement of Ba2+ by K+ ions in BaFe2As2 is. Careful comparison of the structural properties of BaFe2As2 under pressure and Ba1-xKxFe2As2 as a function of doping x reveals that some structural parameters known to be important for superconductivity evolve in a very similar way. For example, the a lattice parameter that influences the important geometry of the FeAs4 tetrahedra is seen to decrease linearly both under pressure and as function of doping. This result is published in Ref. [KKZ+09].

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Print version: Feb. 17, 2017